ADA Employment Course
A self-paced course on the employment requirements in Title
I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), including the revisions in the
ADA Amendments Act of 2008. (3 ACTCP Foundation Credits for Title I
Guidelines, 2.5-hour credits from the HRCI & 2 CRCC credit hours).
Overview of Disability Rights Laws
An introduction to four major federal disability rights
laws: the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Rehabilitation Act, the Fair
Housing Act, and the Air Carrier Access Act. At the end of the course, you
should be able to determine which laws apply to different discriminatory
situations. (2 ACTCP Elective Credits, 2 CRCC credit hours. Credits,
Elective Category).
Architectural Accessibility Laws
Overview of the four major federal laws that require
accessibility in new construction or alterations: the ADA, the Architectural
Barriers Act, the Fair Housing Act, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
At the end of the course, you should be able to determine which laws apply to
different projects. (1.5 ACTCP Credits, Elective Category, 1.5 LU/HSW
Self-Evaluations and Transition Plans
The ADA requires public entities to review their policies and procedures to ensure they support equal access. Any architectural changes needed to meet program access requirements must be recorded in a timeline called a Transition Plan. This course focuses on the obligation of public entities to conduct a self-evaluation and develop a transition plan. (3 ACTCP Required Foundation Credits for Self-Evaluation and Transition Plans).
These documents have been selected from our courses and made available to you by the New England ADA Center. The use of these materials does not require registration or enrollment into a course.
If you have completed one of our courses, please DO NOT re-enroll. Budget restrictions require that we closely monitor and regulate the number of active learners in our system.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Titles I and V of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)
Key Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Guidance
For additional EEOC guidance material go to:
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Includes contact information for each Fair Employment Practice Agency (FEPA).
800-232-9675 voice
877-781-9403 TTY
Section 501 and 505 of the Rehabilitation Act: Federal law comparable to the ADA that prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in federal executive branch employment.
Laws: States, localities and territories: Information about and links to
fair employment laws comparable to Title I of the ADA.
Job Accommodation Network (JAN): Accommodation ideas
for people with disabilities from A through Z. Staff consult at no cost on
specific accommodation needs.
Here are resources concerning the four laws covered in the web course. There are many other laws that protect the rights of people with disabilities. For a more complete list, see Department of Justice's A Guide to Disability Rights Laws
Air Carrier Access Act Regulations - 14CFR Part 382
Summary of the Air Carrier Access Act
Aviation Consumer Protection
Department of Transportation
Voice 800-455-9880 (TTY)
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
National Network of ADA Centers
800-949-4232 voice/tty
ADA Title I: Employment
EEOC Title I Regulations - 29 CFR Part 1630
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
800-669-400 voice
800-669-6820 TTY
ADA Title II: State and Local Governments
Department of Justice Title II Regulations - 28 CFR Part 35
Title II Technical Assistance Manual and Publications - Department of Justice
ADA Title III: Public Accommodations and Commercial
ADA Title III Regulations - 28 CFR Part 36
ADA Title III Technical Assistance Manual and Publications – Department of Justice
ADA Section, Civil Rights Division
U.S. Department of Justice
800-514-0301 voice
800-514-0383 TTY
ADA Title II: Public Transportation and ADA Title III: Private Entities Primarily in the Business of Transportation
Department of Transportation ADA Title II and III Regulations:
Transportation Services for Individuals with Disabilities - 49 CFR Part 37
Accessibility Specifications for Transportation Vehicles - 49 CFR Part 38
Office of Civil Rights
Federal Transit Administration, Department of Transportation
888-446-4511 voice/relay
ADA Title IV – Communication
Federal Architectural Accessibility Resources: Here are the laws, regulations, design/construction standards, and technical assistance resources for the four laws covered in the course plus state and territory architectural accessibility requirements.
U.S. Access Board
800-872-2253 voice
800-993-2822 tty
National Network of ADA Centers
800-949-4232 voice/tty
ADA Division - Department of
800-514-0301 voice
800-514-0383 tty
U.S. Access Board
800-872-2253 voice
800-993-2822 tty
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act: Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards
U.S. Department of Justice Memo: ADA Standards, UFAS and
Section 504
This memo to federal agencies permits them to issue guidance to entities
covered by Section 504 allowing the entities to use the 2010 ADA Standards for
Accessible Design as an alternative accessibility standard for new construction
and alterations.
Federal agencies issue their own Section 504 regulations. Here are a few:
of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
800-669-9777 voice
800-927-9275 TTY
of Education
The Rights of People with Disabilities in Housing