Welcome to New England ADA Learning Center!


Welcome to the New England ADA Center's free online learning platform. The web courses were produced by the New England ADA Center, a project of the Institute for Human Centered Design. The New England ADA Center is one of 10 ADA Centers regionally located throughout the country comprising the ADA National Network. The ADA Centers provide information, guidance, training and research on the Americans with Disabilities Act.

These web courses were developed under a grant #90DPAD001 from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). NIDILRR is within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), and under the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL, HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. 

To Get Started

  1. Click the "Sign Up" link.
  2. Complete the registration form and check your email for a confirmation link.
  3. Click the confirmation link in the email to return to this website.
  4. Choose any course from the catalog and begin learning.

After you enroll in a course you have 14 days to complete it. This is because we have a limited number of “seats” for each course. If you have more than 50 employees or students taking a course, please contact us first at ADAinfo@ihcdesign.org.

The Courses Can Be Applied Towards

  • ADA Coordinator Training Certification Program (ACTCP) requirements: To learn more about ACTCP go to www.adacoordinator.org.

  • AIA Learning Units (LU): These are the credits earned by architects for completing continuing education courses. One hour of continuing education typically equals one LU1.

  • Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW): These are specific topics within the continuing education courses that focus on protecting the public’s health, safety, and welfare. 

  • HR Certification Institute (HRCI): It is a globally recognized organization that provides certification for human resource professionals.

  • Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC): This organization certifies rehabilitation counselors, ensuring they meet nationally accepted standards in the field.

  •  National Association for Addiction Professionals (NAADAC): The New England ADA Center is an approved provider for educational credits.

Please Note

For people using screen readers, we strongly recommend the following combinations for an accurate experience: JAWS with Chrome, NVDA with Firefox and VoiceOver on Safari.

For future visits, simply use the "Login" button at the top right of the page. Enjoy your learning journey! If you have any questions, contact the New England ADA Center at adainfo@ihcdesign.org or 617-695-0085.


The information, materials, and/or technical assistance provided by the New England ADA Center are intended solely as informal guidance and are neither a determination of your legal rights or responsibilities under the ADA, nor binding on any agency with enforcement responsibility under the ADA. The New England ADA Center is not responsible for enforcement of the ADA.

For more information or assistance, please contact the New England ADA Center via its web site at NewEnglandADA.org or by calling 1-800-949-4232 (in New England), or 617-695-8099 (outside of New England), or emailing ADAinfo@IHCDesign.org

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